
Archive for the ‘Albania’ Category

Country Specific Information: Albania

June 26, 2011 Comments off

Country Specific Information: Albania
Source: U.S. Department of State

June 20, 2011

COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Albania is a parliamentary democracy with a market-oriented economic system. Albania’s per capita income is among the lowest in Europe, but economic conditions in the country are steadily improving. Albania’s economic integration into broader European markets is slowly underway. Tourist facilities are not highly developed in much of the country, but are also steadily improving, and some goods and services taken for granted in Western European countries are not widely available. Hotel accommodations are plentiful in Tirana and in other major cities, but limited in smaller towns. Read the Department of State’s Background Notes on Albaniafor additional information.

Country Specific Information: Albania

June 19, 2011 Comments off

Country Specific Information: Albania
Source: U.S. Department of State

June 17, 2011

COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Albania is a parliamentary democracy with a market-oriented economic system. Albania’s per capita income is among the lowest in Europe, but economic conditions in the country are steadily improving. Albania’s economic integration into broader European markets is slowly underway. Tourist facilities are not highly developed in much of the country, but are also steadily improving, and some goods and services taken for granted in Western European countries are not widely available. Hotel accommodations are plentiful in Tirana and in other major cities, but limited in smaller towns. Read the Department of State’s Background Notes on Albaniafor additional information.


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