
Archive for the ‘University of Toronto’ Category

CA — Middle Income Access to Civil Justice Initiative: Background Paper

March 21, 2011 Comments off

Middle Income Access to Civil Justice Initiative: Background Paper (PDF)
Source: University of Toronto Faculty of Law

The purpose of this background paper is to provide a general overview of the issue of access to the civil justice system by middle-income earners. Broadly speaking, our goal is to identify the most acute, unmet civil legal needs in the province for middle-income Ontarians across different key areas of law, and to explore a range of existing and possible solutions to these problems. Our current efforts are focusing on the problem as it exists in Ontario, but many of the themes and issues we raise apply to the rest of the country, and indeed to many other developed countries. The paper will be used as a starting point for broader policy discussions and ideas.

Hat tip: Library Boy


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