
Archive for the ‘Gov – State and Local’ Category

Depression in Teens Who Were Adopted: What Families Need to Know

April 22, 2012 Comments off

Depression in Teens Who Were Adopted: What Families Need to Know (PDF)
Source: Wisconsin Department of Children and Families

Parenting teenagers can often trigger your own memories of growing up and the roller coaster ride of emotions, drama, unpredictability, and the need to fit in. You may be realizing that being a teenager today is more complicated than ever due to the steady stream of social media in all its various forms.

Now as the parent of a teen who was adopted, your role has become even more challenging as you need to keep in mind the extra layers of teen emotions and identity issues that come with being adopted.

You may be wondering what is considered typical teenage behavior and what requires more immediate attention. This tipsheet focuses on whether your teen may be going through a temporary phase, or instead, may be suffering from teen depression.

Public Review Draft of the National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy

January 25, 2012 Comments off

Public Review Draft of the National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy
Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/New York Division of Fish, Wildlife, & Marine Resources

The National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is an integrated, coordinated, and comprehensive response to the threats of climate change. This multi-partner effort will outline a unified approach to maintaining the key terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems needed to sustain fish, wildlife and plant resources and the services they provide in the face of accelerating climate change.

In short—it is a blueprint for common action. The Strategy will serve as a valuable tool for federal and state agencies, wildlife managers, tribes, and private landowners as they continue to manage their lands and natural resources in a changing environment.

+ Strategy Fact Sheet (PDF)

Release Of Final Study By Charles River Associates On “The Economic Impacts On New York City Of The Proposed Living Wage Mandate”

October 12, 2011 Comments off

Release Of Final Study By Charles River Associates On “The Economic Impacts On New York City Of The Proposed Living Wage Mandate”
Source: New York City Economic Development Corporation

The Charles River Associates study was procured by the Industrial Development Agency. It looks at both the labor market and real estate market effects of living wage mandates historically in other US cities, and projected effects of such mandates if adopted in New York City.

+ Full Report (PDF)

Independent Peer Review of the California High-Speed Rail Ridership and Revenue Forecasting Process

August 4, 2011 Comments off

Independent Peer Review of the California High-Speed Rail Ridership and Revenue Forecasting Process (PDF)
Source: California High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA)

The California High Speed Rail Authority (HSRA) convened an independent peer review of the ridership and revenue forecasting process and outcomes. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Panel is charged with providing a comprehensive in-depth review of the models used to estimate ridership and revenue and the forecasts derived from them. The Panel held its first meeting at the Authority offices in Sacramento on Monday and Tuesday, January 10-11, 2011. This report summarizes the key issues, findings, and recommendations of the Panel.

Overall the Panel was impressed with many aspects of the work on ridership and revenue forecasting completed to date on the project. The approach undertaken by CS was ambitious, it represented a significant improvement in practice in several respects (for example, through the development and linkage of a complex set of advanced models), and it demonstrated commendable openness. However, there are important technical deficiencies in the model and the documentation thereof. The purpose of this report is to provide a critical review of the models and associated forecasts, focusing on those aspects that are questionable or deserving of more work.

IMF Chief Arraigned for Attempted Rape (with document)

May 16, 2011 Comments off

IMF Chief Arraigned for Attempted Rape
Source: New York Criminal Court (via Courthouse News)

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund and reputed frontrunner in the French presidential elections, was arraigned in New York Criminal Court on Monday morning for allegedly attempting to rape a maid at the Sofitel Hotel in Midtown Manhattan.
According to the criminal complaint, the maid opened the door to Strauss-Kahn’s room while he was naked, and the IMF leader closed the door to prevent her from leaving. He then allegedly grabbed her chest, tried to pull down her pantyhose and twice forced his penis into her mouth to try to initiate oral sex.
“Mr. Strauss-Kahn will plead not guilty,” his attorneys William W. Taylor III and Benjamin Branfman wrote in a terse statement. “He denies all the charges.”

+ Full Document (PDF)


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