
Archive for the ‘Defense Science Board’ Category

DSB — Basic Research

February 27, 2012 Comments off
Source:  Defense Science Board
A significant handicap for conducting the study was the difficulty of getting data on the DOD basic research program. What should have been easily retrievable data required huge time-consuming, labor-intensive efforts to collect and assemble due to the lack of a modern management information system that would enable answering questions posed by DOD leadership. It is difficult to have management without management information.
Relative to the organizational structure of the DOD basic research program, over the years a number of alternatives have been considered for the conduct of basic research, in order to improve funding efficiency, coordination, or planning. Combining all basic research from across the Services into one organization is one such variant. The task force concludes that any potential savings, or other supposed benefits, that might accrue from such a restructuring would be far outweighed by distancing basic research from applied research and from the military operators. Furthermore, centralization would eliminate the diversity of views so important for the conduct of basic research.
In sum, the task force found the current DOD basic research program to be a very good one, comparable to others in the federal gove rnment and well-suited to DOD’s needs. While nothing is ever so good it cannot be improved, the only are a found where improvement would make a significant difference would be to reduce the unnecessary bureaucratic burden imposed at all levels of the basic research organization.

Independent assessment of the Air Force nuclear enterprise

June 10, 2011 Comments off

Independent assessment of the Air Force nuclear enterprise (PDF)
Source: Defense Science Board

The final report of the Independent Assessment of the Air Force Nucear Enterprise is attached.

The Air Force leadership implemented extraordinary measures following two serious incidents in 2007 and 2008. These measures included policy, inspection, organization, and leadership changes. The report finds that these measures have been effective in their intended purpose of re-establishing the professionalism expected of personnel in the nuclear enterprise. While these measures were appropriate and effective, some are not sustainable or desirable for the long term.

In addition to identifying the benefits of the extraordinary measures, the report provides a description of undesirable effects of contniuing the extraordinary measures for the long term and makes recommendations on the path to continued assured professionalism in the Air Force nuclear enterprise. More specifically, the report discusses and provides recommendations in the area of logistics, organization and guidance, the inspection regime, operations, personnel and morale, and the personnel reliability program.


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