
Archive for the ‘Army Research Laboratory’ Category

Impact of soldier helmet configuration on survivability

June 10, 2011 Comments off

Impact of soldier helmet configuration on survivability (PDF)
Source: Army Research Laboratory

The survivability provided by different types of U.S. Army helmets is influenced by the ballistic protection offered and the geometric area of coverage. The fit and wear of each type and size of helmet is a significant factor in survivability grading. The modeling resolution currently available in the Army survivability/lethality/vulnerability models, MUVES-S2 and Operational Requirement-based Casualty Assessment (ORCA), support the ability to assess minor changes seen in helmet configurations and their associated effects on survivability. This report describes how MUVES-S2 with ORCA can be leveraged to model slight wear differences between helmet configurations and their effect on Soldier survivability. The sensitivity of observed fit and wear and current guidelines will be examined. While this type of assessment is not an end-all means for grading helmets, it can provide decision makers and personal protective equipment designers a means for evaluating benefits vs. costs in risk-benefit analysis.


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