
Archive for the ‘Families USA’ Category

House Republicans Propose to Slash Funding For Medicaid, Medicare, and Other Health Coverage Programs

May 14, 2011 Comments off

House Republicans Propose to Slash Funding For Medicaid, Medicare, and Other Health Coverage Programs (PDF)
Source: Families USA

On April 5, 2011, Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) unveiled the House Republican budget proposal for 2012. The proposal is extreme in the scope of cuts and program restructuring that are proposed for Medicaid and Medicare, two federal health care programs that have for decades provided health security to millions of Americans. It lays out massive cuts to Medicaid that would cripple the program. It proposes ending Medicaid and Medicare as they currently exist. It would also repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would effectively raise taxes on middle-class families by taking away the tax credit that was included in the law to help people purchase health insurance. With this proposal, House Republicans take a step backwards, abandoning the progress that we have made giving seniors, children, and low-income families a measure of health care security.

Over the next 10 years, the proposal will have cut Medicaid by $1.4 trillion; by 2021, these cuts equal about a one-third reduction in federal support, slashing a program that provides health care for nearly 60 million low-income seniors, children, and families. In 2022, it would end Medicare as it exists today. The repeal of the tax credits in the Affordable Care Act equates to a $777 billion tax increase on middleclass families through 2021. Seniors, who rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their health and long-term care coverage, would be particularly hard hit under the House Republican proposal.


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