
Archive for the ‘Restaurant Opportunities Centers United’ Category

Tipped Over the Edge — Gender Inequity in the Restaurant Industry

February 16, 2012 Comments off

Tipped Over the Edge — Gender Inequity in the Restaurant Industry (PDF)

Source:  Restaurant Opportunities Centers United
Our new report, “Tipped Over the Edge” was released today on Capitol Hill by , U.S. Representative Donna Edwards and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, and other major research and advocacy organizations, including Family Values @ Work, HERVotes Coalition, the Institute For Women’s Policy Research, MomsRising, National Coalition On Black Civic Participation’s Black Women’s Roundtable,  National Council For Research On Women, National Organization For Women, National Partnership For Women & Families, National Women’s Law Center, Wider Opportunities For Women, Women Of Color Policy Network (NYU Wagner), and 9to5 National Association for Working Women.
The report shows that women who work in the industry face systematic discrimination, poverty wages, a lack of sick days, and five times more harassment than the general female workforce. One major cause of poverty for these working women is that restaurant lobbyists have succeeded in keeping the federal minimum wage for servers and other tipped workers frozen at only $2.13 per hour for the past 20 years.

Executive Summary (PDF)

Full Report (PDF)

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