
Archive for the ‘International Organization for Migration’ Category

World Migration Report 2011

December 19, 2011 Comments off

World Migration Report 2011 (PDF)
Source: International Organization for Migration
From press release:

Migrants’ voices must be heard in today’s all too often biased, polarized and negative debate on migration, says IOM’s World Migration Report 2011: Communicating Effectively about Migration.

The report states that although we live in an era of the greatest human mobility in recorded history, with greater acknowledgement that migration is one of the defining features of our contemporary world, it remains one of the most misunderstood issues of our time.

It, therefore, calls for a fundamental shift in the way we communicate about migration, especially during economic downturns when political discourse, media reports and public opinion on the nature, purpose and socio-economic impact of migration tend to be negative.


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