
Archive for the ‘EurekAlert!’ Category

EurekAlert! — 10 Most-visited stories from 2011

March 2, 2012 Comments off
Source:  EurekAlert!
A striking discovery in the study of human genetics was the focus of the most-visited press release posted on EurekAlert! in 2011. Researchers found that part of the non-African human X chromosome came from Neanderthals, confirming that they interbred with early human populations.
Breakthroughs in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and medicine, along with discoveries in zoology, psychology, and astrobiology, were also featured in the 10 releases most often viewed by EurekAlert! readers in 2011.
Website statistics collected over the course of the year identified the year’s 10 most-visited news releases. The No. 1 most-visited press release garnered over 102,000 views.

Below are the 10 most-visited press releases posted on EurekAlert! in 2011, in order of the highest number of views. The list begins with the press release that received the most views.

University of Montreal

Emory University

The University of Hong Kong

Mayo Clinic

Pensoft Publishers

University of Notre Dame

American Chemical Society

Duke University

Massachusetts General Hospital

American Chemical Society


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