
Archive for the ‘Center for Immigration Studies’ Category

Built to Fail: Deception and Disorder in America’s Immigration Courts

June 3, 2011 Comments off

Built to Fail: Deception and Disorder in America’s Immigration Courts
Source: Center for Immigration Studies

American immigration courts are the heart of a system that nurtures scandal. Their work touches nearly every aspect of America’s immigration system. These courts are essential to recruit the bright and talented to American shores, to alleviate persecution, and to secure this nation’s borders and neighborhoods. But they cannot perform their critical work. Deception and disorder rule. These courts have become — in the words of frustrated judges — “play courts.” In reality, they are courts that are built to fail.

+ Full Report (PDF)

Birthright Citizenship for the Children of Visitors: A National Security Problem in the Making?

March 17, 2011 Comments off

Birthright Citizenship for the Children of Visitors: A National Security Problem in the Making?
Source: Center for Immigration Studies

“Birthright citizenship” is shorthand for the right enshrined in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution that persons born on American soil may claim United States citizenship. Sounds simple enough. So why is it in the news and what’s the controversy? Well, because it has gotten caught up in the larger, and oftentimes superheated, debate over illegal immigration.

This Backgrounder examines the issue of births to short-term visitors. The author estimates that nearly 200,000 children are born here annually to foreign women admitted as visitors; that is, tourists, students, guestworkers, and other non-immigrant categories. There is a national security dimension to this issue, as illustrated by the case of one individual in this category: Anwar al Awlaki, the American-born cleric and spiritual advisor to terrorists.


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