
Archive for the ‘GuideStar’ Category

What You Need to Know about Nonprofit Executive Compensation

September 22, 2011 Comments off

What You Need to Know about Nonprofit Executive Compensation
Source: Guidestar

Can you answer the following questions?

  • What does the IRS allow tax-exempt organizations to pay their exectives?
  • What happens if the IRS determines that a nonprofit leader has been overpaid?
  • How can a nonprofit’s governing body protect its members and the organization’s executives?
  • What kinds of data should nonprofit executive compensation be based on?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions—or if you do, but want to make sure your understanding is up to date—download a free copy of GuideStar’s latest report, “What You Need to Know about Nonprofit Executive Compensation.” Prepared by GuideStar staff, the report addresses these issues and more.

Publication date: September 2011

Free registration required to download full report.

Key Findings from the 2010 Nonprofit Fundraising Survey

April 12, 2011 Comments off

Key Findings from the 2010 Nonprofit Fundraising Survey
Source: GuideStar

The results of the 2010 Nonprofit Fundraising Survey, which compared fundraising results in fiscal year 2010 to those in FY 2009, are out, and they are good:

  • Fewer nonprofits reported decreased contributions
    Nonprofits reporting decreased contributions dropped from 46 percent in 2009 to 33 percent in 2010. The proportion of nonprofits that said contributions had increased or stayed the same grew from 54 percent in 2009 to 67  percent in 2010. Most of this growth occurred in the “stayed the same” category, which increased from 11 percent in 2009 to 24 percent in 2010.
  • Online giving increased at more than half—58 percent—of the organizations.
    Fully three-quarters of the participants reported that their organizations raised funds online.
  • Major gift and events income increased for half of the nonprofits.
    Results were mixed for telephone solicitations, payroll deduction, planned gifts, corporate gifts, mail (both snail mail and e-mail), foundation grants, board giving.
  • Many organizations received contributions for general operating expenses
    Some 51 percent of participants reported that 75 percent or more of the money they raised in 2010 went to operating costs, as opposed to capital, investments, or endowments.
  • A little over half—52 percent—of the organizations received a significant portion of funds during the last quarter of the calendar year, i.e., the giving season.
    The largest group, 36 percent, received 25-49 percent of contributions during the giving season. Another 16 percent receive 50 percent or more during the last quarter of the year.
  • The majority of participants expect contribution levels to increase in 2011
    Some 63 percent of nonprofits predicted increases in funds raised in 2011.

+ Full Report (PDF)


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