
Archive for the ‘Pro Publica’ Category

Our Sputtering Economy, by the Numbers

August 2, 2011 Comments off

Our Sputtering Economy, by the Numbers
Source: ProPublica

With increasing signs that the economy is laboring, most economists agree that a short-term infusion of spending, or an extension of this year’s temporary cut in Social Security taxes, could help fend off a new downturn.

But whatever one thinks of the debt deal

—and most of its billions in cuts won’t come for a few years—there’s a near-consensus in Washington against spending increases.

Here’s a brief overview of some key stats on where the economy stands.

Charter Schools Outsource Education to Management Firms, With Mixed Results

April 7, 2011 Comments off

Charter Schools Outsource Education to Management Firms, With Mixed Results
Source: Pro Publica

Contrary to the idea of charters as small, locally run schools, approximately a third of them now rely on management companies to perform many of the most fundamental school services, such as hiring and firing staff, developing curricula and disciplining students. But while the shortcomings of traditional public schools have received much attention in recent years, a look at the private sector’s efforts to run schools in Ohio, Florida and New York shows that turning things over to a company has created its own set of problems for public schools.


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