
Archive for the ‘American Petroleum Institute’ Category

API, Joint Industry Task Forces release final reports on offshore safety

March 30, 2012 Comments off

API, Joint Industry Task Forces release final reports on offshore safety
Source: American Petroleum Institute

API and the Joint Industry Task Forces released the final of three reports and a progress report of the fourth. Collectively, these documents provide positive recommendations to the government on how to improve offshore safety.

“These four Joint Industry Task Forces brought together the world’s best experts and these recommendations are part of a comprehensive effort by the industry to strengthen all aspects of offshore safety, while continuing to produce energy and create jobs for Americans,” said Upstream Senior Policy Advisor Holly Hopkins.

The task forces were assembled to focus on critical areas of Gulf of Mexico offshore activity following the Gulf spill: the Joint Industry Offshore Operating Procedures Task Force, the Joint Industry Offshore Equipment Task Force, the Joint Industry Subsea Well Control and Containment Task Force, and the Joint Industry Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Task Force.

“The task force recommendations added to industry programs that lead the way in implementing the strongest safety standards for offshore operations,” said Hopkins. “This process draws on the collective knowledge and experience of the industry and we will continue to promote the use of the best safety practices.”

+ Task Force Reports (PDFs)

EPA gasoline regulations could raise costs by 25 cents per gallon

August 1, 2011 Comments off

EPA gasoline regulations could raise costs by 25 cents per gallon
Source: American Petroleum Institute

A new study says that upcoming EPA requirements could raise the cost of manufacturing gasoline, lead to the closing of domestic refineries, and force the U.S. to double its gasoline imports – while causing increased carbon dioxide emissions.

The new study, which was conducted by energy consulting firm Baker & O’Brien for API, examines the potential costs of EPA’s “Tier 3″ fuel standard for gasoline blends which could be proposed at the end of the year.

The study determined that the new requirements could boost the cost of making gasoline by up to 25 cents per gallon and could shutter up to seven U.S. refineries but predicted that it could drive up carbon dioxide emissions by up to 7.4 million tons a year because of the increased energy needed to manufacture the new fuel blend.

+ Full Report (PDF)


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